"I wish to thank you and your company for repairing the sub-standard work on the roofs of the Brandy Distillery at Worcester and the wine store at KWV Upington
respectively. The sub-standard work was done by others.

The Brandy Distillery at Worcester is a high profile tourist attraction. The
ineffectiveness of the previous thermal roof coating (due to product dilution) caused major embarrass-ment for KWV. The first hot days of summer have just passed and
the tour guides remarked on the pleasant cool conditions inside the distillery.

The Wine Store at Upington is used to store wine for sale to KWV members. Due to the high summer temperatures, the heat affected the quality of the wine and at times
dislodged the corks in the bottles.

The temperature inside and outside the store is being monitored. At an ambient temperature of between 37° C - 40° C, the temperature inside the store remained between 25° C - 27° C. (+- 33 %) This is a remarkable improvement and worthy of mention.
From the above it is clear that the Ceratech roof coating has solved the heat problems in 2 major KWV facilities.

Please thank your colleagues for the professional and courteous manner in which the work was completed."

Manager: Technical Services

"We are experiencing a substantial improvement though difficult to quantify. Air conditioners in the air conditioned areas definitely operate at lower levels and the other areas are much more tolerable, even though we have not reached our maximum temperature days. We did measure the IBR temperature on a painted and and un-painted section as 33 and 49+ degrees Celsius, not sure what the reading convey as the thermometer was held flat against the IBR and the 16+ difference does not necessary apply to the living area below. Suppose this will be further effected by airflow and cooling.

I also noted 'n 11% reduction in our power consumption although the painting jobs started in the middle of the assessed period. We also had maintenance performed on our solar geyser during this time and it is not possible to allocate the source for the saving. Will be interested to see the next month's consumption. In summary, we think it is a great product and although we cant scientifically quantify the improvement, we are pleased with the cooler environment."

Johan Oosthuysen.
Knife Machines and Tools


Ceratech Thermal Barrier Coating

The Ceramic Heat Barrier Coating is a water- borne emulsion of high quality resins and plasticizers for superior adhesion for any type of roof. It dries by evaporation to yield a tough, velvety, water repellent surface with exceptional abrasion resistance, ultra-violet light stability and superior mildew resistance. It is formulated for non-metal and metal roofs and is warranted to hold occasional ponding water without deterioration.

Unlike other coatings, it contains ceramic particles. These particles are the heat dissipating elements in the ceramic coating that give it the ability to save on cooling costs. It is applied to yield a tough, watertight, roof membrane.


· Temperature reduction of up 45%
· Reduces roof degradation by up to 80%
· Non-toxic
· Water Borne
· Abrasion Resistant
· Flexible
· Mildew Resistant
· Energy Saving
· Non-Yellowing
· Labour, Time & Cost Saving
· Clean up with soap & water
· Superior Adhesion

Click here for more about Ceratech Thermal Barrier Coating


Ceratech Test Report

The purpose of this report is to evaluate any thermal improvement that Ceratech paint makes after
applied to a 20 foot shipping container, by comparing the drop in temperature readings before
and after application.


This report contains the data of various temperature readings taken inside an exposed 20’ containers in
Victoria, Seychelles, during the months of June and July 2016. Prior to readings in the 20 foot container, a few
readings were taken in a 40 foot container for comparison.
During days and periods of consistent rainfall, no readings were taken since the surface temperature of the
container drops remarkably then.
The temperature readings and the data collected were:
1. Surface temperatures of all the internal sides of the container;
2. Ambient Temperature inside;
3. Thermal imaging inside – photos
4. Weather Data collected from the Seychelles Meteorological Bureau.


Ceratech High Heat Resistant Coating HH200

CERATECH High Heat Insulating Coating (HH200) is an emulsion of high-grade acrylic resins in water designed for substrates that reach temperatures of up 200°C without polymerization breakdown. However, the recommended temperature to achieve optimum effectiveness is up to 180°C.  This coating dries by evaporation to yield a tough, velvety non-yellowing water repellent surface with exceptional abrasion resistance and ultra-violet light stability. 


· temperatures of up 200°C
· Non Toxic
· Corrosion protection
· Rust & Mildew resistant
· Moisture repellent
· Energy savings
· Abrasion resistant
· Easy to clean (soap & water)
· Flame resistant
· Virtually maintenance free

Click here for more about Ceratech High Heat Insulation Coating


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